Practical Guide to Chick Brooding Management

One of the critical and most important stages of any successful and profitable broiler farm production business is the brooding stage. It is very critical because this is the first phase of their life outside the hatchery, this build-up stage requires maximum care and supervision.

day old chick

The brooding stage is where the development of the skeletal and internal organ of the chicks start. A good brooding will enhance body weight, promote growth, reduce feed conversion ratio and increase profitability.

This practical guide to chick brooding management will give the opportunity to understand the brooding techniques that are necessary to achieve success in broiler production.

What is brooding

Brooding is an act of providing maximum care and required temperature for the day-old chick from hatch day to about eight to ten days to enhance quick adaptation to the environment and their health. Brooding is categorized into natural and artificial brooding.

Natural brooding is carried out by the broody hens after hatching. The broody hen provides the necessary care and the support needed by the chicks also the broody hen regulate and provide adequate heat for the chicks as at when due.

Artificial brooding is done with the use of tools or equipment that will generate the required heat within the brooding period, this is widely used in the commercial broiler production farms.

 Things to note when brooding.

 1. Before Chick Arrival 
  • All openings on the wall and floor should be blocked.
  • The brooding house should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  • All drinkers and feeders should be washed and disinfected.
  • Water pipelines should be washed with alkaline and thoroughly flush with fresh water.
  • The environment should be neat.  
  • Wood shaving should be spread evenly to a depth of 3-5cm and sprayed with a high concentration of
  • A foot deep should be provided at the door of the house.
  • The house should be preheated 24 hours prior to the arrival of the chicks.

2. Chick Arrival
  • The average live weight of the chicks should be recorded.
  • The chicks should be unloaded from the boxes and place inside the brooder guard.
  • Some samples of the life chicks should be sent to the laboratory to determine the degree of maternity derived immunity against viral infections.
  • Fresh and clean water containing vitamin should be served immediately and the chicks should be allowed to rest for 2 hours before serving feed to the chick.
  • The comfortability of the chick should always look at for constantly.
  • After 24 hours of placement, check the crop of the chick by feeling it with your finger to know if the chicks have all eaten and water.  
3. Required brooding temperature

Providing the desirable temperature helps in developing the growth of the chicks, however, you can ascertain the temperature of the brooding house by carefully observing and monitoring the behavior and condition of the chicks;

  • When the environment or the temperature of the brooding house is normal, chicks will spread evenly throughout the brooding area. you don't need to do anything.
  •  When the environment or temperature is too cold, chicks cluster or gather together under the source of heat such as charcoal pots, bulbs, gas burner, infrared within the brooding area. increase the temperature.
  • When the environment or the temperature is too hot, chicks are crowded near the pen house or completely move away from the source heat and this can result in dehydration, panting and sudden died.
  • It is important to have two thermometer inside the brooding area, one of the thermometers will read the brooding environment while later is to check the liter or floor temperature and make the necessary adjustment.
  • For the first 1 week, the chicks should be placedd under the temperature of about 30-32 degree Celsius and gradually reduce by 2 degree Celsius on a weekly interval.
4. Lightening program.

Lightening program plays a major role to the early development of the chicks, it provides heat and also enables the chicks to see during the dark day. To achieve a good start to a life of the chick, 23 hours light (both natural and artificial) should be provided at the first week of life and 1 hour of darkness. Subsequently, this will be adjusted to 5-6 hours darkness within the 6 weeks age to enable the birds to have proper time to rest.

5. Stocking Density.

Stocking density is a determinant factor of the age, size and weight and type of the structure used. Stocking density influences bird welfare, performance, uniformity and product quality. Overstocking the brooding pen increases the pressure on the chick, compromises bird welfare and ultimately reduce the overall performance of the chick.

The stocking density of the chicks depends on the climatic and season, the type and system of housing, equipment, particularly ventilation. Day 1 to 6 require stocking density of 40-45 birds/meter square, Day 7 to 10 require stocking density of 33 birds/meter square.

6. Feeding.

The chicks should be fed ad libitum (no restriction) throughout the first two weeks of their life, chicks can be fed starter mash or starter crumbs but the sizes must be well crushed to a fine or sizable texture the chicks can be able to peak for proper digestion. Starter crumbs are better to mash because the chicks get a complete nutrient when a particle of the feed is ingested. Chick feeders should be used for 50-55birds. 40g of feed per bird should be placed in flat chick feeders or paper.

The following measure should be considered when feeding under hot environment temperature conditions;
  • Provide good fresh quality cool water.
  • The strategic use of vitamin and electrolytes will help chicks deal with heat stress.

7. Water

The water to be used for the chick must be free from any form of the disease-causing agents, the sample of the water should be sent to a lab for the test. Always serve the chicks with fresh water.
Use a chick drinker to 40-45 birds.

Overall good performance of birds depends on the care and support rendered to the chicks during brooding, therefore when all the guide are well followed, there will be a significant performance on the growth, weight and feed conversion ratio of birds.


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